One of the greatest gifts my wife and I have ever received is the gift of a trip to Israel. The year was 2007, and Kim and I were busy in ministry and raising our family. While Israel has always been a dream trip for us, we didn’t have the resources for a major trip, nor did we know how we’d cover all the home bases - so it wasn’t even a thing UNTIL we got a call one day. On the other end of the call was a friend who said, “I want you to go to Israel, and the expenses are covered!” After some surprised expressions and some definite prayer, we were ready to go. By the way, you never know how one act of generosity can impact a person’s life! I learned this, as well - one trip to Israel can truly enrich your life and deepen your appreciation for God’s Word. Here’s my Top Ten List for why a person should want to go to Israel: 1. It’s THE place where Jesus was born, walked, taught, and did His miracles. It’s fascinating to be there! 2. You stand in the shoes of the original disciples - almost literally - as you hear Jesus’ teachings in those spots. 3. As you visit various places, details of Scripture fall into place like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fit together. 4. The hubbub and busyness of Jerusalem take you back to the crowds surrounding Jesus in the day. 5. You are impressed by the dedication of the Jewish people for preserving the Word of God from scrolls. 6. When one prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, close to where Jesus prayed in those moments, it’s powerful. 7. You look around at the visitors to Israel and realize the whole world is STILL captured by Jesus. 8. The archeological digs and finds remind you that what you read in Scripture is fact, not fantasy. 9. PETRA! Anyone who goes to Petra in Jordan talks about it to everyone. Look it up. Go with us! 10. The walls of Jerusalem where David walked - Masada, where the Jews battled Rome - the Sea of Galilee - the Temple Mount - Engeddi, where David hid from Saul - the Dead Sea - the baptism service in the Jordan River, and of course, communion at the Garden Tomb. OK, there’s no real way to get everything in a Top Ten list! I’ve not even mentioned the amazing friendships you form and conversations you have with your group. It’s an experience you should want and one you should pray about. Our next trip to Israel will be in March of 2024, and we’d love to have you consider going with us.
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John MeadorThoughts from John Meador and insights from God's Word. Archives
November 2023